SEPlendid User Guide

About SEPlendid

SEPlendid is a Course Mapping System that allows NUS Computing students to seamlessly plan for their overseas courses, for the highly coveted Student Exchange Programmes (SEP). As a student, you can view and find course mappings in order to plan for your overseas studies without the hassle of creating complex Excel sheets. Utilise SEPlendid's course mapping function in order to quickly find possible mappings for certain courses you want to map. Finally, SEPlendid's note-taking system will assist you in organising your important information you will need for planning for your courses.

This User Guide provides a comprehensive documentation on how you can streamline your process in your application for SEP. It includes:

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to launch SEPlendid
  • SEPlendid's myriad of features and commands
  • Key parameters to run SEPlendid smoothly

If you are a new user, please head over to How to navigate this User Guide to start planning for your study guide!

Table of Contents

  1. How to navigate this User Guide
  2. Icons used in this User Guide
  3. Installation
  4. Quick Reference Guide
  5. Commands
  6. FAQ
  7. Command summary

1. How to navigate this User Guide

As a new user in SEPlendid, this user guide serves as an easy-to-follow guide in aiding you in executing your first commands in SEPlendid, utilising SEPlendid to it's fullest potential!

Here is a step-by-step instruction in navigating this user guide for new users:

  1. Download SEPlendid by heading over to the installation section which provides a guided tour for you to get started with SEPlendid.
  2. Get familiar with SEPlendid by heading over to the Quick Reference Guide section which shows you how to use navigate SEPlendid efficiently.

If you are an experienced user, you can head over to the Command Summary section for a well-curated overview of the commands available in SEPlendid.

2. Icons used in this User Guide

Throughout this guide, icons are used to highlight important information, so do pay special attention to them:

Icon Meaning
ℹ️ Info Information you should keep in mind
💡 Tip Information you might find useful
❗️ Warning Information you should be cautious about

3. Installation

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest seplendid.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for SEPlendid.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar seplendid.jar command to run the application.
    You would be able to view SEPlendid's GUI shown below in a few seconds. The app contains a large sample data of courses so that you can start planning for SEP immediately.


    Figure 1.1 Shows the SEPlendid's GUI upon opening.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • university list : Lists all of NUS' partner universities.

    • mapping search [localcode] [CS2103]: Searches and displays all NUS-to-partner university course mappings based on local NUS course code CS2103.

    • exit : Exits SEPlendid.

  6. If you are an experienced user, refer to the Commands below for more details of each feature and command.

4. Quick Reference Guide

This section covers important information for you to utilise SEPlendid to its fullest capacity. You will learn how to navigate SEPlendid effectively and the commands section will cover on how you can run essential features on SEPlendid.

4.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

SEPlendid's GUI is designed to provide you with great visual feedback and user experience. SEPlendid's GUI allows you to click and view the different courses which provides an in-depth insight about the course such as the course units and description. Let's now take a look at the different components available in SEPlendid's GUI.

SEPlendid's GUI consists of these four main components:

  1. Command Input Box
  2. Command Result Box
  3. List Panel for Local Courses, Partner Courses, Universities, Mappings or Notes
  4. Display Panel for details of the selected item from the list panel.

Refer to the annotated diagram of SEPlendid's GUI which is numbered accordingly:

Annotated GUI

Figure 1.2 This shows SEPlendid's Starting GUI.

Number Component Meaning
1 Command Input Box This box is where you can type your commands you want to execute in SEPlendid.
2 Command Result Box This box is where you can view the successfully executed messages or error messages to guide you in using SEPlendid.
3 List Panel This panel provides you with an overview of the sample data depending on the datatype.
4 Display Panel This panel provides you with an in-depth insight of the selected from the list panel.

4.2 Command Format

We will be using SEPlendid's commands throughout this User Guide. This section will share with you more about SEPlendid's commands:


Notes about SEPlendid's command format

In SEPlendid, there are five data types: localcourse, partnercourse, university, mapping and note. Each 'Command Word' begins a command, which can be coupled with an attribute, to narrow down to a specific functionality.


You may find this annotated image on SEPlendis's command format useful!

Command UI

Command words available in SEPlendid

Command Word Description
localcourse Courses offered by NUS Computing
partnercourse Courses offered by NUS’ partner universities
mapping Mappings between local courses and partner courses
university NUS’ partner universities
note Your own notes

Attributes for local course

Attribute Description
localcode Course code for the local course
localname Name of the local course
localunit Number of units of the local course
localdescription Description of the local course

Attributes for partner course

Attribute Description
partnercode Course code for the partner course
partnername Name of the partner course
university The partner university offering the partner course
partnerunit Number of units of the partner course
partnerdescription Description of the partner course

Attributes for mapping

Attribute Description
localcode Course code for the local course
localname Name of the local course
partnercode Course code for the partner course
partnername Name of the partner course
university The partner university offering the partner course

Attributes for notes

Attribute Description
index Index of the note
content Content of the note
tag Tag of the note

Extra Notes on our Command Format:

  • The command format is command-word action-word [parameters].
    action-words include sort, search, add, delete, update, tag, but not all action-words can be used after each command-word.

  • Refer to the Command Summaryfor a quick overview of which action-words can follow a command-word.

  • [parameters] refer to any number of parameters which can follow an action-word. For instance, for the localcourse delete command, the full format is localcourse delete [localcode], which signifies that we have a parameter (localcode) to fill.

    An invocation of the command is exemplified by:

    localcourse delete [localcode].

  • The following characters do not exist in our datasets and are not accepted in our input: [ and ].

  • Extraneous parameters for all commands will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

4.3 Try Out Your first command

In order to get you started with SEPlendid's commands, we should try out a command together!

Let's start with the most basic command add command. add command allows you to add a local, partner course or note.

One of the available commands for add is the command to add a localcourse into your storage.

Format: localcourse add [localcode] [localname] [unit] [localdescription]

The first word of each command specifies the different core features with its own unique sets of functionalities.

  • localcourse tells SEPlendid that this command word would execute actions only for local courses
  • Attributes such as localcode and localname shows you what you should place in each portion of the command
Tip: All the attributes for local course needs to be added.

Let's imagine this scenario, there is a newly offered course by NUS Computing, CS2105. Interested with this course, you want to add this localcourse in SEPlendid.

So how can you add CS2105 to SEPlendid?

Firstly, you would need to input this command:
localcourse add [CS2105] [Introduction to Computer Networks] [4.0] [Web and Web applications]

Secondly, you would need to take note of the parameters that are required to be added:

  • localcode: CS2105
  • localname: Introduction to Computer Networks
  • localunit: 4.0
  • localdescription: Web and Web applications

Lastly, you should take note of invalid formats:

  • localcourse add [CS2105] The attributes such as local name and units are compulsory.
  • localcourse add CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks 4.0 The brackets ("[ ]") wrapping each attribute is compulsory.
  • localcourse add There is insufficient information on what local course to add.

Have you conducted these checks before executing commands in SEPlendid?

Conducting these checks would prevent error messages and result in more efficient querying of results!

Now, you are equipped with the basics to start using SEPlendid!

5. Commands

This section provides an in-depth overview of each command SEPlendid offers.

Overview of SEPlendid's commands:

  • Purpose of the command
  • Command format
  • Behaviour of the command (for both valid and invalid inputs)
  • Examples of valid and invalid inputs

5.1 Commands for local courses

5.1.1 List all local courses: localcourse list

Lists all possible local courses that can be mapped, offered by NUS Computing. This is useful when:

  • you wish to retrieve all local courses' information.
  • you wish to view local courses in greater detail.
  • you wish to verify that a local course has been added successfully.
  • you wish to verify that a local course has been deleted successfully.
  • you wish to verify that a local course has been updated successfully.

Format: localcourse list

  • This results in the displaying of all the available local courses provided by NUS Computing.

Refer to the Figure 5.1.1 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Localcourse List UI

Figure 5.1.1 This shows the entire list of local courses available in NUS Computing.

5.1.2 Add a local course: localcourse add

Adds a local course using attributes such as localcode, localname, unit and description in this order. This is useful when:

  • you are adding a new local course offered by NUS Computing.
  • you wish to add a local course that is not preloaded in SEPlendid.

Format: localcourse add [localcode] [localname] [unit] [description]

Example: localcourse add [CS1234] [ProgrammingFun] [4.0] [fun mod]

  • This adds a local course with the course code 'CS1234' with the local name 'ProgrammingFun' which fulfils '4.0' units and has a description of a 'fun mod'.

Refer to the Figure 5.1.2 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Localcourse Add UI

Figure 5.1.2 This shows the added local course with the course code: CS1234.

5.1.3 Delete a local course: localcourse delete

Deletes local course with course code identified by localcode. This is useful when:

  • you wish to remove a local course that is no longer offered by NUS Computing.
Warning: You are unable to delete a local course if it exists in a mapping.

Format: localcourse delete [localcode]

Example: localcourse delete [CS1234]

  • This deletes a local course with the course code 'CS1234'.

Refer to the Figure 5.1.3 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Localcourse Delete UI

Figure 5.1.3 This shows the deleted local course with the course code: CS1234.

5.1.4 Update a local course: localcourse update

Updates specified attributes of a local course, with course code identified by localcode. These local course attributes include localcode, localname, unit and localdescription. This is useful when:

  • you wish to update a localcourse if there are changes made by NUS Computing.
Tip: You can check the updated localcourse using localcourse list

Format: localcourse update [localcode] [localcourseattribute] [updatedValue]

Example: localcourse update [BT1101] [localcode] [BT1102]

  • This updates a local course with the course code 'BT1101' to 'BT1102'.

Refer to the Figure 5.1.4 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Localcourse Update UI

Figure 5.1.4 This shows the updated local course BT1101 to BT1102.

Searches local courses using specified attributes such as localcode, localname, unit, and localdescription. This is useful when:

  • you wish to find a specific local course you are interested in.
  • you wish to find local courses that matches with your credits required.
  • you wish to find local courses that matches with the course description you are interested in.

Format: localcourse search [localcode] [keyword]
localcourse search [localname] [keyword]

Example: localcourse search [localcode] [BT2101]

  • This searches a local course with the local code 'BT2101'.

Refer to the Figure 5.1.5 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Localcourse Search UI

Figure 5.1.5 This shows the searched local course BT2102.

5.1.6 Sort local courses by attributes: localcourse sort

Sorts local courses according to attributes such as localname and localcode. This is useful when:

  • you wish to view local courses sorted alphabetically.
  • you wish to view local courses in order.

Format: localcourse sort [localcourseattribute]

Example: localcourse sort [localname]

  • This sorts the local courses alphabetically according to its local name.

Refer to the Figure 5.1.6 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Localcourse Sort UI

Figure 5.1.6 This shows the sorted local courses by localname.

5.2 Commands for partner courses

5.2.1 List all partner courses: partnercourse list

Lists all available partner courses, offered by every partner university. This is useful when:

  • you wish to retrieve all partner courses' information.
  • you wish to view partner courses in greater detail.
  • you wish to verify that a partner course has been added successfully.
  • you wish to verify that a partner course has been deleted successfully.
  • you wish to verify that a partner course has been updated successfully.

Format: partnercourse list

Expected Outcome: SEPlendid's GUI will show the list of partner courses available.

5.2.2 Add a partner course: partnercourse add

Adds a partner course with the specified partner course attributes. This is useful when:

  • you are adding a new partner course offered by the particular partner university.
  • you wish to add a partner course that is not preloaded in SEPlendid.
Warning: You are unable to add a partner course if the university does not exist in SEPlendid.

Format: partnercourse add [university] [partnercode] [partnername] [unit] [description]

Example: partnercourse add [University of Toronto] [ROB311] [Artificial Intelligence] [5.0] [Introduction module to AI]

  • This adds a partner course with the course code 'ROB311' with the partner name 'Artificial Intelligence' which fulfils '5.0' units and has a description of a 'Introduction module to AI' in the 'University of Toronto'.

Expected Outcome: SEPlendid's GUI will show you the added partner course.

5.2.3 Delete a partner course: partnercourse delete

Deletes partner course with attributes such as university and partnercode respectively. This is useful when:

  • you wish to remove a partner course that is no longer offered by the partner university.
Warning: You are unable to delete a partner course if it exists in a mapping.

Format: partnercourse delete [university] [partnercode]

Example: partnercourse delete [University of Toronto] [ROB311]

  • This deletes a partner course with the course code 'ROB311' in the 'University of Toronto'.

Expected Outcome: SEPlendid's GUI will show the deleted partner course.

5.2.4 Update a partner course: partnercourse update

Updates specified attributes of a partner course, with the partner course identified by universityname and partnercode. These partner course attributes include partnercode, partnername, unit and description. This is useful when:

  • you wish to update a partner course if there are changes made by the partner university.

Format: partnercourse update [universityname] [partnercode] [partnercourseattribute] [updatedValue]

Example: partnercourse update [University of Toronto] [ROB311] [unit] [10.0]

  • This updates a partner course's units to '10.0' units with the course code 'ROB311' in the 'University of Toronto'.

Expected Outcome: SEPlendid's GUI will show the updated partner course.

Searches partner course using specified attributes such as partnercode, partnername, unit, and description. This is useful when:

  • you wish to find a specific partner course you are interested in.
  • you wish to find partner courses that matches with your credits required.
  • you wish to find partner courses that matches with the course description you are interested in.

Format: partnercourse search [partnercode] [keyword]
partnercourse search [partnername] [keyword]

Example: partnercourse search [partnercode] [CSE469]

  • This searches a partner course with the partner code 'CSE469'.

Expected Outcome: SEPlendid's GUI will show you the searched partner course, CSE469.

5.2.6 Sort partner courses by attributes: partnercourse sort

Sorts partner courses according to attributes such as partnername, partnercode and university. This is useful when:

  • you wish to view partner courses alphabetically.
  • you wish to view partner courses in order.

Format: partnercourse sort [partnercourseattribute]

Example: partnercourse sort [partnername]

  • This sorts the partner courses alphabetically according to its partner name.

Expected Outcome: SEPlendid's GUI will show you the sorted partner courses according to partnercode.

5.3 Commands for universities

5.3.1 List all universities: university list

Lists all available partner universities that NUS Computing students are able to exchange at. This is useful when:

  • you wish to retrieve all the universities available for you to exchange at.

Format: university list


Refer to the Figure 5.3.1 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

University List UI

Figure 5.3.1 This shows the list of partner universities available for NUS Computing students.

Searches universities that matches the keyword of the university name. This is useful when:

  • you wish to find a specific university you are interested in.

Format: university search [universityKeywords]

Example: university search [College]

  • This searches the universities with the name 'College'.

Refer to the Figure 5.3.2 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

University Search UI

Figure 5.3.2 This shows the searched university, Imperial College of London.

5.3.3 Sort universities by attributes: university sort

Sorts universities by the university name, alphabetically. This is useful when:

  • you wish to view universities alphabetically.
  • you wish to view universities in order.

Format: university sort [universityname]

Example: university sort [universityname]

  • This sorts the universities alphabetically according to its university name.

Refer to the Figure 5.3.3 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

University Sort UI

Figure 5.3.3 This shows the sorted university list.

5.4 Commands for mappings

5.4.1 List all mappings: mapping list

Lists all available mappings from a local course offered by NUS Computing, to a partner course offered by a partner university. This is useful when:

  • you wish to retrieve all mappings' information.
  • you wish to view mappings in greater detail.
  • you wish to verify that a mapping has been added, deleted or updated successfully.
Click on a mapping in the list to bring up a detailed view.

Format: mapping list

  • This results in the displaying of all available mappings stored in SEPlendid.

Refer to the figure below to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Mapping List UI

Figure 3.1 Shows the entire list of mappings stored in SEPlendid.

5.4.2 Add a mapping: mapping add

Adds mapping for local course identified by localcode, offered by partner university, has partner course with code partnercode and has information information. This is useful when:

  • you wish to add a mapping between a local course and a partner course.
You are only able to add a mapping consisting of existing local course, partner course and university.

Format: mapping add [localcode] [university] [partnercode] [information]

Example: mapping add [IS4231] [Lund University] [INFC40] [Sem 1 only.]

  • This adds a mapping of local course IS4231 to INFC40 offered by Lund University.

Refer to the figure below to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Mapping Add UI

Figure 3.2 Shows the added mapping of local course IS4231 to INFC40 offered by Lund University.

5.4.3 Delete a mapping: mapping delete

Deletes mapping for local course identified by localcode, offered by partner university, and has partner course with code partnercode. This is useful when:

  • you wish to remove a mapping between a local course and a partner course.

Format: mapping delete [localcode] [university] [partnercode]

Example: mapping delete [IS4231] [Lund University] [INFC40]

  • This deletes a mapping of local course IS4231 to INFC40 offered by Lund University.

Refer to the figure below to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Mapping Dekete UI

Figure 3.3 Shows the deletion of mapping of local course IS4231 to INFC40 offered by Lund University.

Searches for mappings using specified attribute such as localcode, localname, partnercode, partnername, university, information. This is useful when:

  • you wish to find a mapping which you are interested in, or have added.

Format: mapping search [localcode/localname/partnercode/partnername/university/information] [query]

Example: mapping search [localcode] [CS3230]

  • This results in the displaying of all mappings of the local course CS3230.

Refer to the figure below to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Mapping Search UI

Figure 3.4 This shows the search for mappings of local course CS3230.

5.4.5 Sort a mapping by attributes: mapping sort

Sorts mappings according to attributes such as localcode, localname, partnercode, partnername, university, information) in ascending order. This is useful when:

  • you wish to view or find mappings alphabetically

Format: mapping sort [localcode/localname/partnercode/partnername/university/information]

Example: mapping sort [localcode]

  • This results in the displaying of all mappings, sorted by their local course codes in ascending order.

Refer to the figure below to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Mapping Sort UI

Figure 5.4.5 This shows the sorting of mappings by their local course codes in ascending order.

5.5 Commands for notes

5.5.1 List all notes: note list

Lists all notes that you have recorded in SEPlendid. This is useful when:

  • you wish to retrieve all of your consolidated notes.
  • you wish to verify that your note has been added successfully.
  • you wish to verify that your note has been deleted successfully.
  • you wish to verify that your note has been updated successfully.
Tip: Click on a note in the list to bring up a detailed view.

Format: note list

  • This results in the displaying of all notes, sorted by their index number in ascending order.

Refer to Figure 5.5.1 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note List UI

Figure 5.5.1 This shows the list of notes that you have.

5.5.2 Add a note: note add

Adds a note with the content you wish to add and the tag you wish your note to have. This is useful when:

  • you wish to record a course or mapping you would are interested in doing for exchange.
  • you wish to record down important information.

Format: note add [content] [tag]

Tag must only be a single word with no whitespaces and only contain alphabets and numbers. You can only add 1 tag for your note with this command. If you wish to have more tags for your note, you can do so with the command note tag. You cannot have two notes of the same content.

Example: note add [You can do this!] [motivation]

  • This adds a note with a content of "You can do this!" and tags the note with "motivation".

Refer to Figure 5.5.2 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note Add UI

Figure 5.5.2 This shows the note you have added.

5.5.3 Delete a note: note delete

Deletes specified index of the note. This is useful when:

  • you wish to remove a note that contains outdated information.

Format: note delete [index]

Warning: This action is irreversible! Be careful when you want to delete your note.

Example: note delete [3]

  • This deletes the note with index 3.

Refer to Figure 5.5.3 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note Delete UI

Figure 5.5.3 This shows the note you have deleted and the updated note list.

5.5.4 Update a note: note update

Updates specified note according to the index and updates the content of the note. This is useful when:

  • you wish to edit to correct your mistakes made in the note.
  • you wish to update the note with new information.

Format: note update [index] [content]

Warning: This command will overwrite your old content with the new content you specified.

Example: note update [1] [Exchange Application Deadline: 25 September 2023]

  • This updates the content of the note with index 1 to "Exchange Application Deadline: 25 September 2023".

Refer to Figure 5.5.4 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note Update UI

Figure 5.5.4 Shows the note you updated and the updated note list.

5.5.5 Tag a note: note tag

Adds a tag to the specified note according to the index. This is useful when:

  • you wish to group your notes with specific words.
  • you wish to easily view the different key points of the note.

Format: note tag [index] [tag]

Warning: Duplicate tags are not allowed.

Example: note tag [1] [important]

  • This adds "important" tag to the note with index 1.

Refer to Figure 5.5.5 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note Tag UI

Figure 5.5.5 This shows the notes updated with a tag you have specified.

5.5.6 Clear tags of a note: note cleartag

Clears all tags for the specified note according to its index. This is useful when:

  • you wish to remove all the tags that are no longer relevant to your note.

Format: note cleartag [index]

Warning: This command will remove all tags for your specified note.

Example: note cleartag [1]

  • This removes all the tags for the note with index 1.

Refer to Figure 5.5.6 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note Tag UI

Figure 5.5.6 This shows the note where all the tags have been removed.

Searches for notes which tag contains the value tagKeyword. This is useful when:

  • you wish to filter your notes with the tags you are interested in.

Format: note search [tagKeyword]

tagKeyword is case-insensitive.
Warning: Search note tag cannot have white spaces.

Example: note search [plans]

  • This searches all notes with the tag that contains the word "plans".

Refer to Figure 5.5.7 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:

Note Search UI

Figure 5.5.7 This shows the note with the tags that contains the tagKeyword.

5.6 View help: help

Results in a pop-up window for you to copy the URL into an external browser to view SEPlendid's user guide.

Format: help

Refer to Figure 5.6 to view the outcome of the execution of the command:


Figure 5.6 This shows the exit pop up window.

5.7 Exit SEPlendid: exit

Exits SEPlendid app.

Format: exit

5.8 Save the data

SEPlendid's data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

SEPlendid data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/seplendid.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

Warning: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, SEPlendid will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

6. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous SEPlendid home folder.

Q: Can I run SEPlendid without the need for internet connection?
A: No, SEPlendid is designed as an offline application to enhance your convenience of using the app.

Q: Why do I get an error message when searching a local course by its description?
A: The attributes used for local course search is restricted. To search the local course, you must use this command:

  • localcourse search [localdescription] [description_keyword]

7. Command summary
